Friday, October 27, 2006

New Family Member

This is Tiger. The newest addition to the family. We have had him almost a week now. She is part persian she was adopted from the ASPCA. She likes to cuddle and likes the expensive food that the vet gave us samples of. She goes a little loonie at night, and scratches our water bed at night to fluff up her bed. But she is a beauty.

Isabella had her Halloween Party today at Daycare. She was Snow White, with an Ariel tiera. We had a little fit before she went, but as soon as we said no daycare, then she turned around.

Zach had his surgery this morning. We got him up at 7:00 and we left shortly there after to get to the Janeway by 7:30. This is the pre-surgery picture before we left. I was a basket case, but it was very quick. He is sleeping better already, but that may be because of the anesthetic. We were home again by 10:30 or so.

On a different note. I am going back to work on Monday, 2 1/2 months early. I got a call from the Jackie, the manager, that the Senior Assistant Store Manager position was open because Renee was leaving. I had been training for that job before I had left. I was really not expecting that. It means more money and much more challenge, but that is what I wanted. I know I can do that job, I just have to get the mommy brain to go away, quick. Nan is going to watch the kids here at the house, so I will see them on lunch breaks, and I know they are well taken care of. We are going to leave Belle in daycare for 2 mornings, just so she can interact with kids her age. So, if things aren't updated alot, that's because I have 3 jobs now instead of two, Wife, Mother, and SASM.

Saturday, October 21, 2006


Okay, sorry it took so long for the "wellness" update, but I have been battling with the most crooked child in the world, I will tell all about that in a bit. So, Isabella's sugars were fine. They were 4.6 which is normal. I am really glad. I would dream about all the needles, and watching what she was eating and even all the health problems she could develope in years to come. Her ear infection is not completely gone but she still has a few days left of anti biotics to clear that up. Zach's ear infection is cleared up and his ENT appointment is this Monday morning at the children's hospital here. I guess that will tell us when the tubes will come. I only wish that he could get his eyes done at the same time, but he has to be a least a year old before they can fix that problem, because it still could fix itself before that. He wakes everyday with one eye caked shut with green goop!!! I just hope that these tubes will hepl him -and me- sleep better. His teeth are coming down hard too. There was a little red blister around the last one to come down. I never had any problems with Isabella when she was a baby. She was the best baby ever.

So, as for Missy Muffett. She got punished for the first time last night. She screached her little heart out. But she pushed too far. She started to throw stuff and scream and yell. So we sat her on the couch and wouldn't let her get down. Then, she kept at it so Chris took her next best thing, the priviledge of the TV. So today is better. She is still a bit whinny but much better. Anyway, this is becoming the gripe blog. I really don't think anyone elses child is this bad. But maybe just not honest enough to admit that they have a child go through terrible two's and head straight into troublesome threes!!!

Friday, October 13, 2006

I am slowly going crazy!

Okay, so on with the chronicles of sickness in the Pope house! So, again, after many sleepless nights, I took both Isabella and Zach to the doctor yesterday to get their ears checked. Zach had an ear infection almost two weeks ago, and his medicine had been finished for a few days, but he was still an extremely cranky baby. So, both have an ear infection. This is Isabella's 12th one since she was 6 months old, and this is Zach's 5th. Yippee!! Then the doctor said that Isabella's urine tests came back fine, no infections. She asked if she was still peeing alot and still always thristy. Now, you don't know thristy until you have a child screaming and crying at you because she needs a drink. I mean, we don't give her anything after supper, but she is still up three times a night to pee. She is always thirsty, doesn't matter what it is, juice, milk, water, she just wants something. So anyway, back to the story. The doctor is concerned about her sugar levels, wondering if maybe she is diabetic. She said the chances are very slima dn that juvenile diabetes is rare. But it is better to know. So, we had to go and get blood work done this morning. I prepared her for it last night, letting her know that it might hurt a bit, but that she would get a sticker and a finger puppet. She didn't even seem to care and she watched Dora on TV. I couldn't sleep last night thinking about possibilities, and how I was going to keep her calm while getting a blood test. For those of you who don't know, Isabella had a rough start to life. her lung collapsed and she was a ventilator for
a day, then had a feeding tube for 5 days, and was in the NICU for a week. She had that many pokes and prods, but she was fine. She even has a scar on her back from the spinal tap they gave her. This is a picture of her the first time I held her (no, that isn't my boob!!!), see al the bruises on her little hand? All those memories came flooding back. So we parked and as we walked up to the clinic and the hospital, she was singing away and all I could think was, she won't be singing in a few minutes. So I read her books while we waited. Then we went in and she wanted to sit by herself in the big chair. She started to tell the two nurses about how she has baby brother at home. They pricked her finger and she was taken back. She squirmed a bit, then we distracted her and she was fine. She counted how many drops of blood came from her finger in order to fill the small vile they had - 37. But she was fantastic. She got a bandaid and said to the nurse "where do I get my finger puppet?" We all laughed. She walked with her head high as we went back to the van. She said on the out, thanks for taking me here mom and she hugged my arm. Oh my! Then we went to McDonalds and got a hashbrown and orange juice. I am going crazy with all the sickness in this house. When will it stop especially with winter just around the corner. Hopefully, with tubes in the next month, Zach will not get anymore infections. But who knows. Anyway, I will update on the results of the blood work. Pray for a good outcome.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Being Thankful

I am not really sure of what to write today, but because it is Thanksgiving, I just want to say that I am very thankful for family. I understand that eveyone's family is different. I have one side of my family that doesn't talk alot or see each other and I guess you could say a little disfunctional!!! The other side of my family is amazing. Even friends of mine comment on how close we are. We man together in rough times, hug when hugs are needed, even when they're not, and do what ever we can for each other. We get together quite often just to eat!!! I really am lucky.

On another note, I think Zach is trying to wean out his morning naps. I just can't get him to take a nap in the morning anymore. This whole flu and ear infection thing has got him thrown off his schedule. Then miss muffett has been up watching TV at 5:30 the past two mornings. She wakes up coughing, then goes to pee, then can't get back to sleep. She has been peeing alot lately, like 3 times an hour, and says she is always thirsty. We have been trying to cut back on what she drinks thinking that maybe one will affect the other. She has even been peeing in her pants again. Chris took her to the doctor the other night and they ran a quick urine test but everything came back normal, so they gave us a requisition to go get cultures done on a sample. So we got that done Friday morning. If that comes back ok and she is still the dame then they said we can check for diabetes. I pray that it doesn't come to that. It is just super strange.

I decided to take up scrapbooking, but have no idea where to start. A friend of mine said she will help, so hopefully I get started soon. I just love the idea and the look, but wether I can do it myself or even find the time is another question. Any tips would be great.

Anyway that's it for now. And Jack, if you get a chance to check this, I hope you are having a good time and are driving careful. Will miss you at dinner tomorrow. See you in a few weeks.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Another Ear Infection

Okay, so after two sleepless, crying nights, and a day of sneezing and coughing, I decided to take Zach to the doctor to see if another ear infection has reared its ugly head. And sure enough, it has. Doctor O'Shea (the best doc in the world) said during the last infection, that when the next one comes he will have to go to an ENT. So guess where we have to go? I assume that when we go, he is going to say that Zach should get tubes. I hate that. To see him have to get put to sleep. But I guess on the other hand, it's better than more sleepless nights for years down the road. So whenever that happens. Then later in January he has to go and get his tear ducts probbed. I mean, is it safe for a small child to get put to sleep like that. I guess other kids have had to do
it. I just wish it wasn't my son. I guess I have to be thankful that he isn't really sick and that we have to worry for his safety. I often wonder what all those parents must feel as they sit in waiting rooms or next to their childs bed. I never want to know that feeling. I often pray for those families. And thank God that mine is so healthy.

On a brighter note, Isabella is being a doll. She has switched sides, and is now great for me and pushes Chris to the maximum limit. That child says so many things that would blow anyone's mind. Her new thing is when you ask her to do something, her response is "Okay, but it's not going to be easy!" I mean where did a three year old learn that? Then this morning dad was cooking an egg and it go stuck to the pan. She was in the bathroom brushing her teeth. Dad said "O Crap!" She came running out saying "what happened Pop, what did you say oh crap for?" I mean you really have to watch what you say and how you say it because that child has her ears open all the time.

Also, congrats to Tammy and Jeremy on the birth of their new baby girl, Maya. Her link is on the side <= if anyone wants to go and see pics of the new bundle.

Anyway, we just go back from getting Zachs medicine. He is asleep and Bella should be ready to eat lunch soon. So off I go.