Speaking of family, there are members of my family going through a really rough time right now. And without getting into it, if you could just keep them in your prayers. Pray for peace of heart and the knowledge that God is with them watching over them. I have realized that I have been taking my family for granted, especially my husband. I hate that it took something so serious to make me realize this. Make sure that in some way you let your family know that you love them. You never know when you may need them.
On a lighter note, I had a great day with Bella yesterday. We went to a birthday at a friends house. There were two others there her age and 4 babies. It was nice to hear that Isabella is not the only child to be irritating, whiney, and intolerable. She was really well behaved. She shared and didn't have Miss Attitude scrolled across her forhead. I enjoyed her tremendously. When she is bad we call her alter-ego Ella. I didn't see her at all yesterday , and hopefully the same will continue.
It is almost time to get herself from daycare. The picture above is one of Isabella and the other two girls from the party when they were just a few months old. Isabella is on the left, Rachel in the center, and Madison on the left. Times have changed.