Monday, September 25, 2006


I am sitting here in the few quiet moments I get, trying to remember the feeling of waiting for a baby to arrive. My friend Tammy is ready to pop. She lives in the states, but we communicate through e-mail and blogs. She has an appointment today and it will tell if the baby comes today or in a few days. I just remember all the excitement and attention. If it wasn't for the raising, I think I would be pregnant a dozen times. But two is defintely enough.

Speaking of family, there are members of my family going through a really rough time right now. And without getting into it, if you could just keep them in your prayers. Pray for peace of heart and the knowledge that God is with them watching over them. I have realized that I have been taking my family for granted, especially my husband. I hate that it took something so serious to make me realize this. Make sure that in some way you let your family know that you love them. You never know when you may need them.

On a lighter note, I had a great day with Bella yesterday. We went to a birthday at a friends house. There were two others there her age and 4 babies. It was nice to hear that Isabella is not the only child to be irritating, whiney, and intolerable. She was really well behaved. She shared and didn't have Miss Attitude scrolled across her forhead. I enjoyed her tremendously. When she is bad we call her alter-ego Ella. I didn't see her at all yesterday , and hopefully the same will continue.

It is almost time to get herself from daycare. The picture above is one of Isabella and the other two girls from the party when they were just a few months old. Isabella is on the left, Rachel in the center, and Madison on the left. Times have changed.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Just posting this pic to see if I can get it put where my profile is. Hope it works.

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Ok, so why is it that I can never get sleep. Devon's birthday party was last night so went in there to have supper. Of course on the way home at 6:30, 'herself' falls asleep. So we laid her in bed when we got home thinking that just maybe she would be asleep for the night - WRONG ANSWER!!! 8:30 she got up. And because Chris has to get up at 4, I stayed awake. At 1:00 she was out in the living room trying to turn on the TV. UH UH!! SO I tuck her back in bed and then she brings her blanket in our bed and climbs in. So I go to sleep and have no idea when she snoozed off. Then like clockwork, Zach got up at 3. SO I pick up Isabella, bring her back in bed, get Zach and bring him in. Then 7:30, the two are playing in my bed. No sleep for mom's - ever. I am not used to this because Isabella slept for 12 hours every night from the time she was 8 weeks old, and here's dear old Zachary who just doesn't. What's up with that? Anyway, weather is crappy today, so we are stuck inside bouncing off the walls today. I joined the gym last night with mom so I might actually get active. I am not sore today, so I will go again tonight. I mean, it really puts things into perspective when you go into an office at a gym and get measured. It really tells you how far gone you have become!!! Me and mom are roughly the same size so it will be healthy competition. I hope this color font is readable!! more later

Monday, September 18, 2006

mess, mess, mess

Have you ever wondered how a three year old child can be so messy. After being gone for two days, we came home to a disaster zone. I hated to face it all. This child is unreal. I don't know if she is like all other kids this age or not, but when Zach gets this age, I think I will just have to learn how to close my eyes to it all. I mean, I tidy up and clean everything, and I turn around and that child has 4 more things scattered around. Chris comes home and has the nerve to say "You didn't get a chance to clean today?" Uh, yes by! Between screaming baby, screaming, attitude filled child, and planning supper, I scrubbed the place down. I dunno. 75% of my time is contimplating returning to work early, just to get a break. Is that off the wall or what. Mom and I are going to join the gym tonight before choir so I will get some much needed time to myself soon. Anyway.